13 November, 2008


I am not sure if this is the newest trailer, but it is pretty bad ass.


I do not know if I should be pissed that the women were sold into sex slave trade or I did not get any.

BBC - Catching up with the 'internet pimps'


BBC - 'Secret' Obama code name revealed

You know there is a joke somewhere in here... and just cannot put my finger on it.

OK, so... I guess I'm contributing. um... I kind of get paid to type news shit out.... so... you know... I'm kind of expecting you all to pay me. Here's the latest movie review I did.... I got to play with animals.

11 November, 2008

Director found for Captain America...

This could be promising? Joe Johnston is not a prolific director, but he did so some stealla movies. The Rocketeer was pretty good and Jurassic Park 3 is a good camp dinosaur movie. October Sky had one half of gay cowboys eating putting so I do not know how good that movie is. Jumanji was missing ovens... Wait wrong Jews... But that movie was good for its time. I thought it was enjoyable family/action movie and paved the way for other boardgame goes crazy and kids have to save the day movies. Finally, Joe Johnston directed Hildago. That was a good movie. A lot better than it should have been. I mean the king was in it. 



I hope this does not spawn a long list of comments that have fucking family guy quotes. 

Fuck Cleveland.

Greenland eh? I think I need to make a trip to the ice.

Why does this sound like a premise for a James Bond movie. 

"40 years ago you lost and bomb and we found it... Now we have shaped the bomb to explode into the center of the earth!!!"


Worst Idea Ever: Jaden Smith Confirmed For Karate Kid Remake