23 October, 2008


I recently got a copy of Cthulhutech and I say its pretty good. You have madness, insanity, mechs, power armor, spells, psionics and engels (mechs that are alive). The Earth is invaded by Migou, cults have popped up, the Great Old Ones are waking from there deathless slumber.

You can do a down and dirty session and play a tager, who are those who have undergone the Rite of Sacred Union to merge with a supernatural symbiont. Occult Scholars Intelligence Agents, and Archnotechnitian who are part occult magician and part scientist. Mecha Pilots, Engel Pilots and the simple Soldier. The Para-Psychic and Zoner. These are but a small sample of the charcater types you can play.

You have your skills ranged 1-5 and they determine your level of expertise.
Level of Expertise (Dice)
• Unskilled Characters have no real understanding of the skill. (0 Dice)
• Students have a rudimentary understanding of the skill. (1 Die)
• Novices have a basic understanding of the skill. (2 Dice)
• Adepts have a thorough understanding of the skill. (3 Dice)
• Experts have an advanced understanding of the skill. (4 Dice)
• Masters have a nearly complete understanding of the skill. (5 Dice)

You take what you rolled and add it to your stat, that determines your skill. Average TN is 12 all the way up to a Legendary, which has a TN of 32. Now how do you get a roll that high you may ask? You get to add multiples together. You can take the highest set of multiples and add them all together. For example, if you’d rolled a 6 and two 4’s, you could take and add the two 4’s together for a result of 8, instead of just the 6.

You also get to add straights. If you get to roll three or more dice, you can take the largest straight and add those dice together. A straight is three or more numbers in consecutive order. For example, if you rolled a 9, 4, 5, 6, you could add the last three together for a result of 15 instead of just the 9.

All and all, its a pretty neat game that I want to give it a try!


mcl said...

Thanks for the Review. I saw that from the email list and of course made fun of it.

Cthuloid horror, scrappy investigators, mecha and a yahtzee variant mechanics!!

What's not to like?


mcl said...

Also ...

Glad to see you back to writing Panda-man.

Damned glad.


Kantan na E said...
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Kantan na E said...

I agree with joel... that does sound pretty bad ass. I mean, I know having a death ray will not help with the eternal struggle against the deep ones, but at least I can feel better about it.